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Department of Theatre Studies

ΔΕΙΤΕ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΝΟΤΗΤΑ: Parabasis online |Parabasis’s Annexes |


Parabasis - The Scientific Journal of the Department of Theatre Studies

 of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Parabasis is the Scientific Journal of the Department of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. It was founded in 1995 by Professor Walter Puhner, now Honorary Professor of the NKUA, who has been its Editor-in-Chief for many years.  Parabasis’ Editorial Board is composed of all faculty members of the Department of Theatre Studies NKUA and includes original scientific studies and book reviews that promote in a clear way specific topics of academic research, which relate first of all to the history and theory of drama and theatre and, in addition, to the history and theory of other related arts and fields of cultural production (e.g. e.g. cinema, visual arts, comics, digital art forms).

Apart from their publication, the content of Volumes 1 (1995) – 10 (2010) has been digitized and included in the Index of Humanities and Social Sciences (ACP) (, created in 2015 by the National Documentation Center. For the convenience of users, the contents of the above volumes have been linked directly to it.

Since Volume 11 (2013) the journal is also published in electronic format with free access from the internet. Since Volume 12 (2014), each volume of the journal is divided into two sub-volumes, one foreign-language volume (Volume 1) with articles in English, French, German, Italian and one exclusively in Greek (Volume 2). The (double) Volume 17-18 (2020) marks the launch of the journal's publishing cooperation with Herodotus Publications.

In addition to each thematic special issue, articles with free subject matter are also accepted, provided they meet the scientific and publishing standards, in the following sections: Studies, Miscellanea and Book Reviews for monographs and editions in the field of Theatre Studies.