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Department of Theatre Studies



E-mail: yispanos[at]theatre.uoa[dot]gr



Yiannis Spanos is Professor of Strategic Management at the Department of Theatre Studies, School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His current research interests focus on the role of management and strategy in theatre organizations, and more generally in cultural and creative industries. He is currently working on a textbook in Arts Management.

Before moving to the Department of Theatre Studies, Yiannis served as a Professor of Strategic Management at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Department of Management Science and Technology, where he taught Strategic Management and Innovation, Management, and Organizational Theory at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. 

In AUEB, his research interests revolved at the intersection of strategy, innovation, and competitiveness. He has published in such Journals as the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Technovation, and R&D Management, among others. As of current, he has  received more that 1120 citations in the ISI Web of Knowledge, more than 1670 in Scopus, and more than 4570 in Google Scholar.

Yiannis has served as ad hoc reviewer for such Journals as Research Policy, Organization Studies (for which he has also served in the Editorial Board between 2006-2008), Journal of Management Studies, Technovation, and more. He has recently published a book (in Greek) entitled “Innovation Management” used by the Hellenic Open University, where he also teaches since 2004.

Since 1997, Yiannis has been heavily involved as senior analyst in a number of large-scale research projects dealing with aspects related to competitivenenss and policy making for promoting innovation at the organizational, regional, and national levels. Many of these projects have been financed by the EU and resulted in academic publications. He has accumulated in depth experience in survey design and data analysis using state of the art statistical and econometric models. Finally, he has served as an external advisor (1997-2010) to the Hellenic Innovation Relay Center, a special unit of the National Research Foundation, contributing in the development and delivery of consulting services in support of innovation to private firms (mainly SMEs).

Publications (a selection)

  1. M. Papazoglou and Y. E. Spanos, “Influential Knowledge and Financial Performance: The Role of Time and Rivals' Absorptive Capacity”, Technovation, 102, 2021 (ABS Rating: 3) 
  2. Y. E. Spanos, “Exploring heterogeneous returns to collaborative R&D: a marginal treatment effects framework”, Research Policy, 50 (5), 2021 (ABS Rating: 4*)  
  3. E. Chatzopoulou, Y. E. Spanos and S.Lioukas, “Headquarters’ monitoring mechanisms, subsidiaries’ financial slack, and the contingent role of subsidiaries’ external embeddedness”, Long Range Planning, 2020 (ABS Rating: 3)  
  4. I. Deliyiannis, I. Voudouris, S. Lioukas and Y. E. Spanos, “Non-linear effects of technological competence on product innovation in new technology-based firms: The moderating role of the entrepreneur’s orchestration capabilities”, Τechnovation, 88, 2019  (ABS Rating: 3)
  5. M. Papazoglou and Y. E. Spanos, “Bridging distant technological domains: A longitudinal study of the determinants of breadth of innovation diffusion”, Research Policy, 47, 9, pp.1713-1728, 2018  (ABS rating: 4*)
  6. K. C. Kostopoulos, Y. E. Spanos, K. E. Soderquist, G. Prastacos, and N. S. Vonortas, “Market-, Firm- , and Project-level effects on the Innovation Impact of Collaborative R&D Projects”, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 10, 4, pp. 1384-1403, 2019 (accepted: 2015; doi: 10.1007/s13132-015-0342-8)
  7. Y. E. Spanos, N. S. Vonortas and I. Voudouris, “Antecedents of Innovation Impacts in Publicly funded Collaborative R&D Projects”, Technovation , 36-37, pp. 53-64, 2015 (ABS Rating: 3) 
  8. K. C. Kostopoulos, Y. E. Spanos, and G. P. Prastacos, “Structure and Function of Team Learning Emergence: A multilevel empirical validation”, Journal of Management , 39, 6, pp. 1430-1461, 2013 (ABS Rating: 4*) 
  9. Y. E. Spanos and N. S. Vonortas, ”Scale and Performance in Collaborative R&D”. R&D Management, 42, 5, pp. 494-513, 2012 (ABS Rating: 3)
  10. Y. E. Spanos, “Antecedents of small firms’ innovation performance: A configurational perspective”, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development., 4, 2,  pp. 97-128, 2012
  11. Y. E. Spanos, “Absorptive Capacity and the propensity to adopt advanced technology: The case of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) systems”, International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 11, 4, pp. 323-346, 2012 (ABS Rating: 1)
  12. Y. E. Spanos, “Conditionally-mediated effects of Scale in Collaborative R&D”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 37, 5, pp. 696-714, 2012 (ABS Rating: 2)
  13. Y. E. Spanos and I. Voudouris, “Antecedents and trajectories of AMT adoption: The case of Greek manufacturing industries”, Research Policy, 38, 1, pp.144-155, 2009   (ABS Rating: 4*)
  14. Y. E. Spanos “Innovation Adoption: An Integrative Model”, Spoudai: Journal of Economics and Business , 59, 1-2, pp. 100-124, 2009
  15. Y. E. Spanos, G. Zaralis, and S. Lioukas, “Strategy and Industry effects on Profitability: Evidence from Greece”, Strategic Management Journal , 25, 2, pp. 139-165, 2004 (ABS Rating: 4*)  
  16. Caloghirou, Y., A. Protogerou, Y. E. Spanos, and L. Papayanakis, “Industry vs. Firm-specific effects on Performance: Contrasting SMEs and Large-sized firms”,  European Management Journal , 22, 2, pp. 231-243, 2004  (ABS Rating: 2)  
  17. Y. E. Spanos and G. P. Prastacos, “The effects of environment, structure, and dynamic capabilities on product innovation strategy”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management , 4, 6, pp. 620-638, 2004  (ABS Rating: 1)
  18. Y. E. Spanos and G. P. Prastacos, “Understanding Organizational Capabilities: Towards a conceptual Framework”,  Journal of Knowledge Management, 8, 3, pp. 31-43, 2004  (ABS Rating: 2)
  19. Y. E. Spanos, G. P. Prastacos, and A. Poulymenakou, “The relationship between information and communication technologies and Management”,  Information & Management, 39, 8, pp. 659-675, 2002 (ABS Rating: 3)  
  20. G. P. Prastacos, K. E. Soderquist, Y. E. Spanos, and L. Van Wassenhove, “An Integrated Framework for Managing Change in the New Competitive Landscape”, European Management Journal, 20, 1, pp. 55-71, 2002. (ABS Rating: 2)  
  21. Y. E. Spanos and S. Lioukas, “An examination into the Causal Logic of Rent Generation: Contrasting Porter’s Competitive Strategy Framework & the Resource-based perspective”,  Strategic Management Journal, 22, 10, pp. 907-934, 2001 (lead article) (ABS Rating: 4*)  
  22. Y. E. Spanos, G. P. Prastacos, and V. Papadakis, “Greek Firms and EMU: Contrasting SMEs and Large-Sized Enterprises”, European Management Journal, 19, 6, pp. 638-648, 2001. (ABS Rating: 2)  
  23. Voudouris I., S. Lioukas, S. Makridakis and Y. E. Spanos “Greek Hidden Champions: Lessons from small unknown firm in Greece”, European Management Journal, 18, 6, pp. 663-674, 2000 (ABS Rating: 2) 
  24. A. Athanasopoulos, L. Papayannakis, P. Reglitis and  Y. E. Spanos,, “Firm capabilities, market environment and innovativeness: Evidence from Greek manufacturing firms”, Cahiers du Management Technologique, 10, 1, pp. 9-28, 2000