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Department of Theatre Studies


Specialized Teaching Stuff

Office 913, 9th floor, School of Philosophy
Phone: +210-727 7525
E-mail: thbousiop[at]theatre.uoa[dot]gr




Thalia Bousiopoulou is a member of the Specialized Teaching Stuff at the Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Philosophy of University of Athens.

She studied at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy of University of Athens. She acquired a Postgraduate Study Degree in “World Theatre: Act, Dramaturgy, Theory” of the Postgraduate Studies Program of the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Athens having received a scholarship from the State Scholarship Foundation of Greece (2010-2012). I

Ιn 2018 she acquired a PhD from the University of Lille (formerly Lille 3), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, where she conducted a thesis on: “Tragic person – tragic character in contemporary dramatic writing in France and Greece” (Personne tragique – personnage tragique dans les écritures dramatiques contemporaines en France et en Grèce). In 2018-2020, as an associate member of the CECILLE research laboratory (Centre for the Study of Foreign Cultures, Languages and Letters) of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Lille, she conducted a research project within the framework of the thematic: “Espaces autres, partages sensibles, sociétés spectaculaires”.

She is currently conducting postdoctoral research at the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Athens, while at the same time she is carrying out research work at the Research Laboratory “Theatre, Philosophy and Education” of the same Department”. She is co-editor of the French-language annual revue "Petits Essais"-Μικρά δοκίμια and co-founder of the homonymous non-profit Greek-French association founded in 2021.


Articles (Selection)

«Du personnage tragique déterritorialisé à la personne tragique transformée: trajectoires vers une altérité constitutive», Parabasis, 19-20 (2023-2024) (in press).

“La géométrie mythique du Philoctète de Vassilis Ziogas, Petits Essais, vol. 2, octobre 2022.

«Wajdi Mouawad's Scorched. Crossings and Transitions: from History to Myth, from Theatre Stage to Cinema Screen», George P. Pefanis – Ioanna Athanasatou, Scenes, Images, Glances. Confluences of Theatre and Cinema, Hellenic Open University Press (HOUP), Athens 2021, p. 343-356.

“L’inhumain dans l’œuvre de William Faulkner et dans celle de son traducteur Pavlos Matessis” [The inhuman in the work of William Faulkner and his translator Pavlos Matessis], Alexandra Sfoini – Danielle Morichon (ed.-contr.), «Traductions et traducteurs dans les Balkans XVIIIe – XXe siècle», Études Balkaniques, 2019/1, n° 23, Cahiers Pierre Belon, p. 337-359.

“La dimension symbolique du repas dans la dramaturgie néo-hellénique. Le dîner en tant que seuil dans les œuvres théâtrales de Pavlos Matessis et de Dimitris Dimitriadis” [The symbolic dimension of the meal in neo-Hellenic dramaturgy. Dinner as a threshold in the theatrical works of Pavlos Matessis and Dimitris Dimitriadis], Cahiers balkaniques, [En ligne], Hors-série | 2016, mis en ligne le 07 mars 2016, URL: ; DOI : 10.4000/ceb.6350, p. 103-113.