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Department of Theatre Studies



Office 916, 9th floor, School of Philosophy
Phone: 210-7277652  
E-mail: diamcat[at]theatre.uoa[dot]gr

The professor's office hours for the winter semester 2024-2025 are every Wednesday 10:00-12:00.


Bachelor with Honors in Classics and in Theatre Studies, at the Faculty of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where she also accomplished her PhD in Classics in 1998, being State Scholarships Foundation grant holder. Since 2004 she belongs to the academic stuff of the Department of Theatre Studies of the same Faculty, where she now holds the position of Professor. She delivers many of the compulsory undergraduate courses that fall within the academic field “Theatre of Antiquity” (the work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Menander, the reception of Ancient Theatre) while on postgraduate level she has taught for many years the course “Ancient Theatre and its Reception” and the course “Issues of Ancient Theatre” in the last three years. She has been visiting professor at the University of Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3 (UFR Arts et Culture – Master « Pratiques et Pédagogie des Arts de la Scène ») and she affiliated with the postgraduate program “Theatre Studies” of the Open University of Cyprus for the writing of three “Study Guides”.

She was member of the Research Project “SEMELE: Ancient Theatre Date Base” (ΕPEAEK ΙΙ - PYTHAGORAS), Coordinator of the research Project “Metamorphoses of ancient Greek drama in modern Greek dramaturgy 1974-2009” (ELKE / KAPODISTRIAS) and took part in the international research-artistic programme “Theatrum Mundi”, with artists and scholars from Italy, Greece, France, Netherlands, Bulgary, Letonia, Turkey and Israel. She is fellow of the “Laboratory of Documentation of Cultural and Historical Heritage” (Ionian University, Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology). She is member of the Scientific Board of the Research Project “Values Across Space and Time” (HORIZON 2020) and took part as Scientific Advisor in the production “Theodoros Kolokotronis’ Memoirs”, funded by ELIDEK (2021). She is member of the Research Program (Progetto di Eccellenza 2023-2027) “GLI DEI DELL’OLIMPO TRA CULTO, LETTERATURA E TEATRO DALL’ANTICHITA’ ALL’ETA’ CONTEMPORANEA”, Universita’ Di Trento, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia.  Since April 2023, she has been the Director of the Laboratory of Ancient Drama and Theatre Research (Departement of Theatre Studies, NKUA) with a three-year term of office.

Her scientific interests focus on the history and theory of ancient theatre, on the specific dramatic genres (tragedy, comedy and satyr drama) and their particular theatrical codes, on the historical and social background that generated and fed Greek theatre, on the reception of ancient drama by modern, Greek and international, dramaturgy, stage practice and other arts. Her educational and research work, her academic notices and her publications refer to those fields of interest.



Theatrical Histories of Grandpa Aristophanes. Scenes of Reception [in Greek], Ed. Gutenberg, Athens, 2021.

On Tragedy and Trugedy. Eight interpretative itineraries through tragic and comic theatre [in Greek], Ed. Papazisis, Athens, 2007.

In the Ancient Greek Hinterland. Introduction to the semiology of space and time in Aristophanes’ theatre [in Greek], Ed. Kardamitsa, Athens, 2007.

Edited volumes

Τhe Notion of Moral Duty in Ancient Greek Theatre, edited by Andreas Markantonatos & Kaiti Diamantakou, Hellenic Foundation for Culture, Athens, 2022.

Guest Editor, with the Editor-in-Chief Vaios Vaiopoulos, Mediterranean Chronicle 10 (2020).

Theatre in Modern and Contemporary Cyprus. Proceedings of the Colloquium dedicated to Yannis Katsouris [in Greek], edited by Andri Konstantinou, Kaiti Diamantakou & Leonidas Galazis. Editions Herodotos – Theatre Museum of Cyprus, Athens, 2020.

Theatre and Democracy. Proceedings of the 5he Panhellenic Congress of Theatre Studies, dedicated to prof. Walter Puchner(Athens, 5-8 November 2014) [in Greek], 2 Vols, edited by Alexia Altouva & Kaiti Diamantakou. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Department of Theatre Studies, Αthens, 2018.

Tassos Lignades: Theatre Reviews – Ancient Drama (1975-1989) [in Greek],edited by Kaiti Diamantakou, with an Introduction (p. 7-61). Kostas and Eleni Ourani Foundation, Athens, 2013.

Τassos Lignades: Theatre Reviews – Modern Greek Dramaturgy (1975-1989) [in Greek], edited by Kaiti Diamantakou, with an Introduction (p. 9-43). Kostas and Eleni Ourani Foundation, Athens, 2015.

Publications in Journals, Collective Volumes, Conference Proceedings, etc.

«Ecclesiazusae in 1969 and in 1998: Same play, same translator, same director, yet two distinct performances». In: 16th International Symposium on Ancient Greek Drama: Aristophanes modern or up to date? Approaches and readings, Cyprus Centre of the International Theatre Institute, Nicosia 2023, p. 98-111.

Lysistrata (1972): Political and sexual refractions of the Peloponnesian War during the Greek junta”, in: Konstantinos P. Nikoloutsos (ed.), Brill's Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Warfare on Film, Brill, Leiden 2023, p. 450-478.

Assembly Women 1969 - Lysistrata 2014: The Aristophanic circle of Spyros Evangelatos as Translator” [in Greek], in: Panagiotis Michalopoulos – Giorgos P. Pefanis (eds), Research, Composition, Interpretation. Approaching Spyros A. Evangelatos’ theatre, Papazisis, Athens2023, p. 143-159.

Human Achievements and Transgressions of the Natural Order in Greek Drama: The Literary Ancient Roots of a Real Current Crisis”, Critical Stages/Scènes critiques, winter Issue no 26  (2022), special topic «Theatre & Ecology» (guest editors: Vicky Angelaki and Elizabeth Sakellaridou)

“Euripides’ Suppliants: An ancient (pessimistic) ‘encomium’ via modern theatrical passages” [in Greek], in: Andreas Markantonatos – Kaiti Diamantakou (eds), Τhe Notion of Moral Duty in Ancient Greek Theatre (with Andreas Markantonatos), Hellenic Foundation for Culture, Athens, 2022, p. 414-457.

“Τo act or not to act? Plato’s ambibalent attitude towards theatre»”, in: Jixia Academy and Plato’s Academy – Proceedings of China-Greek Classical Civilizations Summit Forum (Institute of Qui Culture, Shandong University of Technology, Τhe Center for the Collaboration and Innovation of Shandong Provincial Qi Culture Inheritance and Demonstration Zone Construction (Zimbo – Linzi, 14-16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018), 2021, p. 242-251.

“Τhe theatrical and cinematic debut of Aristophanes in modern Greece: If all the women in the world (1967)” [in Greek], in: Giorgos P. Pefanis – Ioanna Athanassatou (eds), Scenes, Images, Glances. Crossings of Theatre and Cinema, Hellenic Open University, Athens, 2021, p.  101-115.

“Ransom of Hector: (Before and after) the end of the Homeric Ιliad in two modern Greek plays’ versions” [in Greek], in: Amphilochios Papathomas, Grammatiki Karla & Dimitris Stamatis (eds), Studies in Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature, Philosophy and Culture in Honour of Prof. A. Voskos, Kardamitsa Press, Athens, 2020, p. 43-76.

Oedipus at Colonus and Wealth: The tragic and the comic utopian of the Athenian ‘Rejuvenation’ “, [in Greek], in: Eleni Gasti (ed.),  Δόσις ἀμφιλαφής. Ad honorem – Dedicated to professor emeritus Katerina Synodinou, Carpe Diem, Ioannina 2020, p. 87-114.

“From Aspasia to Lysistrata. Literary Versions and Intertextual Diffusions of the Feminine Other in Classical Athens” [in English], Logeion 10 (2020), p. 238-260.

Seven against Thebes: The visualized “other” and the possibilities of his scenic representation” [in Greek], in: 15th International Symposium of Ancient Greek Drama: The Civil Conflicts in the Ancient Drama, Cyprus Centre of the International Theatre Institute, Nicosia, p. 52-71.

“Panagis Lekatsas’ Euripides of the continuous refutations” [in Greek], in: Christos Alexiou, Ariadne Gartziou-Tatti, Dimitris Kyrtatas & Vasilis Lentakis (eds), Panagis Lekatsas. Α self-taught philologist, historian and anthropologist [in Greek], Municipality of Ithaca, Ithaca, 2020, p.  229-252.

“Deviations of Myth and Identity in the dramatic work of Antonis Georgiou” [in Greek], in: Andri Konstantinou, Kaiti Diamantakou & Leonidas Galazis (eds), Theatre in Modern and Contemporary Cyprus. Proceedings of the Colloquium dedicated to Yannis Katsouris [in Greek], Editions Herodotos – Theatre Museum of Cyprus, Athens, 2020, p. 201-215.

“Mirror Caves in Euripides, Helen and Plato’s Republic” [in English], Mediterranean Chronicle 9 (2019), p. 35-52.

“Pre-Platonic and post-Euripidean Consonances: The Cave in Euripides’ Helen and in Plato’s Republic” [in Greek], in: Giorogs P. Pefanis (ed.), The Philosophy of the Scene. Theatrical-Philosophical Focuses, Edition Papazisi, Athens, 2019, p. 109-131.

“Performativity and Ancient Tragedy. A United Counter-Speech to the Crisis of the Democraticity” [in Greek], in: Alexia Altouva & Kaiti Diamantakou (eds), Theatre and Democracy. Proceedings of the 5he Panhellenic Congress of Theatre Studies, dedicated to prof. Walter Puchner(Athens, 5-8 November 2014), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Department of Theatre Studies, Volume I, Αthens, 2018, p. 459-473.

“A Lysistrata Different than the Others. The ‘Shock’ of Lysistrata in 1976” [in Greek], in: Gogo Varzelioti & Platon Mavromoustakos (eds), Scene and Amphitheatre – Homage to Spyros A. Evangelatos (Proceedings of the homonymous Colloquium, 7-9 march 2016),  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Department of Theatre Studies, Αthens, 2018, p. 79-88.

“Forward to both a translation and a performance: Lysistrata 2016” [in Greek], in: Κalliope Εxarchou (ed.), Dimitris Dimitriadis: Τransgressing the Borders (Proceedings of the homonymous Colloquium – Department of French Language and Letters, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 26-27 may 2016), Ed. Shakespearikon, Thessaloniki, 2018, p. 295-312.

“Shifting Aristophanes; Modern Greek Scenic Versions of Wasps’ Dramatic Space” [in Greek], in: Acts of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Ancient Greek Drama («Dramatic and Scenic Space in Ancient Greek Drama»), Cyprus Center of the International Theatre Institute, Nicosia, 2016, p. 21-39.

[with Katerina Liontaki and Nikos Tzivelekis] “Aristophanes and Karaghiozis: Reflections and Osmoses in the Aristophanic Representations by the Theatre of Art” [in Greek], in: Moschos Morfakidis & Panagiota Papadopoulou (eds), Greek Shadow Theatre (Acts of the International Colloquium in Honor of Walter Puchner), Centro de Estudios Bizantinos , Noegriegos y Chipriotas, Granada 2016, p. 293-312.

“Τὸν μὲν γὰρ ἡγοῦμαι σοφόν, τῷ δ’ἥδομαι. Aeschylus or Euripides: Les Dilemmas of a Nascent Translator at the End of 19th century” [in Greek], in: Anna Tabaki & Ourania Polykandrioti (eds), Acts of the Colloquium “Greekness and Alterity: Cultural Mediations and National Character in 19th Century, Athens, 2016, Vol. II, p. 381-394.

« Les Cassandres de la crise. Le paradigme de l’œuvre dramatique de Dimitris Dimitriadis » [in French], in : Maria Litsardaki, Marie Makropoulou & Kalliopi Exarchou (éds), Les mots en spectacle, Mélanges en l’honneur d’Aphrodite Sivetidou, Garnier, Paris, 2016, p. 45-61.

« Aristophane à la française : libertés et limites » [in French], in : Médiation et réception dans l’espace culturel franco-hellénique, Actes du Colloque International organisé par le Département de Langue et Littérature Françaises, Université Nationale et Capodistrienne d’Athènes), Egokeros, Athens, 2015, p. 292-300.

« Aristophane sur la scène grecque moderne : Un théâtre populaire ou un théâtre fait par et pour les happy-few ?» [in French], in : Faruk Bilici, Joelle Dalegre, Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau (éds),, Les élites grecques XVIIIe – Xxe siècles – Identités, modes d’actions, représentations, Cahiers Balcaniques, Numéro Hors-Série, Publications Langues Ο΄, Paris, 2015, p. 83-94.

Dimitris Dimitriadis’ Contribution to the Bank of Ancient Greek Drama” [in Greek], in Κonstantinos Kyriakos (ed.), Ancient Greek Theatre and its Reception – Acts of the 4th Colloquium of Theatre Studies, University of Patras – Department of Theatre Studies, Patras, 2015, p. 469-482.

“Vertere seria ludo, overo La leggerezza della Parodia” [in Italian], Culture Teatrali. Studi, interventi e scritture sullo spettacolo 23 (2014), p.137-141.

“From the ‘Théâtre de la Commune’ in 1968 to the ‘Théâtre Odéon’ in 2010: The Course of Ancient Greek Myth in Dimitris Dimitriadis’ Plays” [in Greek], in: Andreas Dimitriadis, Ioulia Pipinia & Anna Stavrakopoulou (eds), Scenic Production in Post-War Greek Theatre: Continuities and Ruptures – Acts of the International Colloquium in Honor of Nikiforos Papandreou, Department of Theatre Studies – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2014, p. 473-484.

“Ioannis Gryparis’ ‘mysterious’ Euripides: Drafts of an Unaccomplished (?) Translation” [in Greek], Parabasis 12/2 (2014), p. 39-79.

 “Cyprus’ Theatrical Organism’s and Evis Gavrielidis’ Contribution to the Repatriation of Menander” [in Greek], in: Andri Konstantinou & Ioanna Chatzikosti (eds), Ancient Theatre and Cyprus – Acts of Colloquium, Cultural Foundation of Cyprus’Bank, Nikosia, 2014, p. 75-94.

“Aspects of wealth and Wealth in Greek dramaturgy of the 19th century” [in Greek], in: Giorgos P. Pefanis (ed.), The Glow of Money in modern Greek dramaturgy, Editions Ourani, Athens, 2014, p. 312-331.

“Euripides versus Aristophanes, Ion versus Birds: A Possibility of ‘Paracomic’ referentiality” [in English], Mediterranean Chronicle Vol. 2 (2012), p. 15-29.

Entries “Αristophanes”, “Tragicomedy”, “Comedy”, “Parabasis”, “Parody” [in Greek], in: Savas Gogos & Kyriaki Petrakou, Dictionary of Ancient Theatre [in Greek], Ed. Militos, Athens, 2012, p. 52-62, 168-169, 190-204, 254-259, 265-269. 

“Ancient and Modern Greek Heroes Talking Alone on Stage: Towards the Autonomy of Monologicity” [in English], in: B. Aleksejeva, O. Lāms & I. Rūmniece (eds), Hellenic Dimension. Materials of the Riga 3rd International Conference of Hellenic Studies, University of Latvia, Faculty of Humanities, Chair of Classical Studies, Centre for Hellenic Studies, Latvia, 2012, p. 226-234.

Old Comedy on Ancient Actors: Speculations on an Odd and Unexpected Discrimination” [in English], Logeion. A Journal of Ancient Theatre 1 (2011), p. 121-144.

“Women in the Microcosm of Ancient Comedy” [in Greek], in: Theodoros Pappas & Andreas Markantonatos (eds), Attic Comedy: People and Approaches, Ed. Metechmio, Athens, 2011, p. 631-671.

« Le voyage de Dionysos dans la Grèce après 1975 ou Les épigones modernes de la dramaturgie grecque ancienne » [in French], L’Annuaire Théâtral 48 (automne 2010), p. 45-56.

« La réception de la nouvelle comédie attique et de la comédie romaine par la scène grecque moderne : sur les traces d’une remarquable absence » [in French], in : Anna Tabaki & Walter Puchner (eds), Theater and Theater Studies in the 21th Century. Proceedings of the First International Conference, Athens, 28 September-1 October 2005, Ergo, Athens, 2010, p. 255-266.

“Τhe Contradictions of a Child-Murderer, or The Polyphonic Identity of Medea in Modern Greek Dramaturgy” [in Greek], in: Konstantinos Dimadis (ed.), Identities in the Greek World from 1204 until Today (Proceedings of the 4th Colloquium of the European Society of Modern Greek Studies, Granada, 9-12 September 2010), Vol. 1, European Society of Modern Greek Studies, Athens, 2011, p. 541-558.

“Aristophanes’ Survival and Revival through Plutus” [in Greek], in: Iossif Vivilakis (ed.), Stefanos. Dedicated to prof. Walter Puchner, Ergo, Athens, 2007, p. 423-432.

“Aristophanes’ Traces in modern Greek Dramaturgy” [in Greek], in: Theodosis Pylarinos (ed.), Greek Antiquity and Modern Greek Literature, Ionian University, Corfu, 2009, p. 79-95.

“Representations of the Disease and the Cure in Ancient Greek Tragedy and Comedy” [in Greek], Archeology and Arts 102 (mars 2007), special issue: “Medicine in Antiquity”, p. 64-72.

“The Spaces of a Cursed Generation: The Theban Cycle” [in Greek], in: Conference Proceedings: X and XI International Meetings on Ancient Greek Drama 2000 and 2002, European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Athens, 2007, p. 279-291.

“Alterations and Variations of the Comic: From Aristophanes to Kampanellis” [in Greek], in: Proceedings of the Panhellenic Conference dedicated to Iakovos Kampanellis, University of Patras – Department of Theatre Studies, Patra, 2006, p.  410-434. 

“Sarah Kane’s Phaedra’s Love – Racine’ s Phaedra – Seneca’ s Phaedra – Euripides’ Hippolytus: The Palimpsest of a very Old Story” [in Greek], Parabasis 7 (2006), p. 45-68.

“The Multiple Idols of the Imaginary Woman in the Theatrical Work of Andreas Staikos” [in Greek] in: Chatzisavas, Andréas (éd.): Lapithos – Le double dans la littérature Néo-hellénique. Actes du XIXème Colloque International des Néo-hellénistes des Universités francophones, Mai 2005, Éditions Praxandre, Besançon 2006, p. 415-428.

“Images and Scripts of the Body in the Theatrical Work of Andreas Staikos » [in Greek], in : Anna- Jacovides-Andrieu (éd.): Le Corps dans la Langue, la Littérature, l’Histoire, les Arts et les Arts du Spectacle.Actes du XVIIIème Colloque International des Néo-hellénistes des Universités francophones. 15-17 Mai 2003, Societé Culturelle Néo-hellénique, Paris, 2005, p. 279-290.

“Humans and Animals in Alexis Sevastakis’ Theatre” [in Greek], Theatrographies, special issue dedicated to Dimitris Potamitis (Spring 2003), p.16-25.

“The Space of a Trilogy: The Seventh Day of the Creation – The Yard of Miracles – The Age of the Night by Iakovos Kampanellis” [in Greek], Dromena 3/14 (1995), p. 41-46.

Translations from English or French to Modern Greek (selection)

Elam, Keir, Semiotics of Theatre and Drama, Ed. Ellinika Grammata, Athens, 2001.  

Culler, Jonathan, Literary Theatre,University of Crete Press, Athens, 2000.

(ARESER), Urgent Diagnoses and Cures for a University at Danger, Εd. Pataki, Athens, 1999.

Bourdieu, Pierre, Firebreaks, Εd. Pataki, Athens, 1998.

Bourdieu, Pierre, For the Television, Εd. Pataki, Athens, 1998.

Montlibert, Christian de, Introduction to the Sociological Reasoning, Εd. Pataki, Athens, 1998.

Tsvetaeva, Marina, The Poet and the Time, Εd. Kardamitsa, Athens, 1998.

Mathieu, Gérard, The Political Ideas of Isocrates, Εd. Pataki, Athens, 1995.