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Department of Theatre Studies



E-mail: atabaki[at]theatre.uoa[dot]gr

Professor of Theatre studies and a Guest Researcher at the Department (former Centre) for Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRS). She graduated from the ‘‘Collège Franco-Hellénique Jeanne D’Arc’’ High School. She has studied Greek and French Literature at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Holding a postgraduate scholarship of the French government, she specialized in the fields of French, Comparative and Modern Greek Literature (Université de Clermont II [=Université Blaise Pascal], Paris IV-Sorbonne). A student of C.Th. Dimaras at the Neohellenic Institute (Sorbonne) and “Alexander S. Onassis’’ scholarship recipient, she obtained her Ph.D. in History and Civilization at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris). Formerly a Researcher at the Centre for Neohellenic Research (1980-2000), she is now DNR (Department of Neohellenic Research) Guest Researcher. She had taught history of Modern Greek Theatre (1995-2000) at the Faculty of Theatre Studies (University of Patras). In 1999 she was elected Associate Professor, and in 2004 full Professor at the Faculty of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. 2009-2014: Director of the Postgraduate Programme; 2015-2017: Head of the Department.

She was a coordinator of two programmes of Academic and Research Excellence:

I. Thalis, 2012-2015, ‘‘Chrysallis – Cultural transfer and ‘national character’ in nineteenth century Greek periodicals’’, and 

ΙΙ. Excellence II, 2014-2015: ‘‘ARCH – Archival Research and Cultural Heritage: The Theatre Archive of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio’’.

She is interested in comparative literature, with special emphasis on history of ideas, on translation issues, on comparative dramatology and on the history of the Modern Greek theatre during the 18th and 19th centuries. She was also interested for a long time on the history of periodical press (19th c.). She has authored (or co-authored) 24 books, either monographs or edited volumes, and about 150 articles, book-reviews and essays in renowned Greek and international academic journals (e.g. Études Balkaniques, Revue des Études Sud-Est Européennes, Synthésis, Neohelicon, Studies on Voltaire and the 18th century, Journal of Modern Greek Studies). She has presented numerous papers in international conferences, university lectures and she has organized seminars, roundtables and symposia in Greece and abroad. She has participated in the exchange programme between the Athens-based NHRF and the Paris-based CNRS as well as in international academic networks, such as the European Science Foundation and the Association Internationale de Littérature comparée.

Selected publications

  • Ο Mολιέρος στη φαναριώτικη παιδεία. Tρεις χειρόγραφες μεταφράσεις (Moliere in Phanariot cultureThree manuscripts translations), Athens, CNR/NHRF, 1988, 246 p.

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  • Centre de Recherches Néohelléniques F.N.R.S. – Académie Roumaine. Institut d’Histoire "N.Iorga", Documents Gréco-roumains. Le fonds Mourouzi d’ Athènes. Volume présenté par les soins de: Florin Marinescu, Georgeta Penelea-Filitti, Anna Tabaki, Athènes-Bucarest 1991, p. XVI + 450 + 10 ill.

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  • (ed.) Δημοσθένης Mισιτζής, Φιάκας – Δούξ της Bλακείας. Eισαγωγή-επιμέλειαΆννα Tαμπάκη (Dimosthenis Misitzis, Ho Fiakas – Ho doux tis vlakeias. Edited by Anna Tabaki), Athens, Dodoni, 1992, 142 p.

  • H Nεοελληνική Δραματουργία και οι δυτικές της επιδράσεις (18ος -19ος αι). Mία συγκριτική προσέγγιση (The Modern Greek Drama and its european influences (18th-19th c.). A comparative approach). Athens, Tolidis, 1993, 204 p. (2nd edition, Athens, Ergo 2002).

  • Nέος Aνάχαρσις.Eισαγωγή Eπιμέλεια – Σχόλια: Άννα Tαμπάκη (Anacharsis [the Younger].Edited by Anna Tabaki, vol.IV, Athens, Greek Parliament, 2000 (2nd edition 2003), 392 p.

  • Le théâtre néohellénique. Genèse et formation. Ses composantes sociales, idéologiques et esthétiques, [vol. I, II, III, Paris, EHESS, 1995, 610 p.], Diffusion Septentrion, Presses Universitaires, Thèse à la carte, Lille 2001, 610 p.

  • (in collaboration with Stessi Athini, eds), Mετάφραση και διαπολιτισμικές σχέσεις [Πρακτικά] B΄ Διεθνές Συνέδριο Tαυτότητα και Eτερότητα στη Λογοτεχνία, 18ος-20όςαι.Translation and Intercultural Relations, [Proceedings] Second International Congress Identity and Alterity in Literature, 18th-20th c., vol. III, Athens, Domos, 2001, 335 p.

  • (in collaboration with George Leontsinis, eds), Kύθηρα: Mύθος και Πραγματικότητα. A΄ Διεθνές Συνέδριο Kυθηραϊκών Mελετών (20-24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2000). [...] Tόμος E΄, Συμβολικά Kύθηρα(Kythera: Myth and Reality. First International Conference of Kytherian Studies (September 20-24, 2000). […] Volume V, Symbolic Kythera, Edited by George Leontsinis & Anna Tabaki, Open University of the Municipality of Kythera, Athens 2003, 444 p.

  • Περί νεοελληνικού Διαφωτισμού. Pεύματα ιδεών και δίαυλοι επικοινωνίας με τη δυτική σκέψη (On Neohellenic EnlightenmentCurrents of ideas and communication bridges with western thought), Athens, Ergo 2004, 288 p.

  • (in collaboration with Paschalis M. Kitromilides, eds), Greek Romanian Relations. Interculturalism and National Identity / Relations Gréco-roumaines. Interculturalité et identité nationale. Edited by Paschalis M. Kitromilides and Anna Tabaki, Athens, CRN/NHRF, 2004, 320 p.

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  • Tο Nεοελληνικό θέατρο (18ος-19ος αι.). Eρμηνευτικές προσεγγίσεις (The Modern Greek Theatre (18th-19th c.). Interpretative approaches), Athens, Diavlos, 2005, 420 p.

  • (ed.), Tendances actuelles de la Littérature comparée dans le Sud-Est de l’Europe / Contemporary Trends of Comparative Literature in South-Eastern Europe. Edited by Anna Tabaki. Seminar on Comparative Literature and History of Ideas, Athens, INR/NHRF, 2006, 213 p.

  • (in collaboration with George Kehagioglou), Μιχαήλ Τσερβάντες, Ο επιτήδειος ευγενής δον Κισότης της ΜάντσαςΗ πρώτη γνωστή ελληνική μετάφραση έργου του Cervantes (τρίτη δεκαετία του 18ου αιώνα;). […] (Miguel Cervantes, Ho epitideios evgenis don Kichotis tis Mantsas [El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha]. The first known Greek translation of the work of Cervantes (third decade of the 18th century?). Introduction by G. Kehagioglou – A. Tabaki, Text, Glossary & Index by Giorgos Kehagioglou […] Athens, INR/NHRF, 2007, pp. 158 + 814 + 28 ill.

  • Ζητήματα συγκριτικής γραμματολογίας και ιστορίας των ιδεών. Εννέα μελέτες (Issues of comparative literature and history of ideas, Nine studies),Athens, Ergo, 2008, 210 p.

  • (in collaboration with Walter Puchner), First International Conference Theatre and Theatre Studies in the 21st Century (Athens, 28 September – 1 October 2005). Proceedings / Premier Congrès International Théâtre et etudesthéâtrales au seuil du XXIème siècle (Athènes, 28 septembre – 1er octobre 2005), Actes. Edited by Anna Tabaki & Walter Puchner, Ergo, Athens 2010, 542 p.

  • (in collaboration with Paschalis M. Kitromilides, eds), Greek Bulgarian Relations in the Age of National Identity FormationRelations Gréco–bulgares à l’ère de la formation des identités nationales, Edited by P. M. Kitromilides & Anna Tabaki, Athens, INR/NHRF, 2010, 340 p.

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  • Despre Iluminismul neoelen. Curente de idei şi canale de comunicare cu gândirea occidentală. Traslated by Elena Lazăr, Bucharest, Editura Omonia, 2015, 214 p.

  • (in collaboration with Maria Spyridopoulou and Alexia Altouva), Ιστορία και Δραματολογία του Ευρωπαϊκού θεάτρου. Από την Αναγέννηση στον 18ο αιώνα, Ελληνικά Ακαδημαϊκά Ηλεκτρονικά Συγγράμματα και Βοηθήματα (Anna Tabaki – Maria Spyridopoulou – Alexia Altouva, History and Dramaturgy of European TheatreFrom Renaissance to 18th century, Athens, 2015, 403 p. [ebook] Athens, Hellenic Academic Libraries KALLIPOS

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  • (in collaboration with Maria Sehopoulou, ed), Συνάντηση Νέων Ερευνητών. Ο ελληνικός περιοδικός τύπος του 19ου αιώνα. Ερευνητικά ζητήματα – Πορίσματα της έρευνας. Πρακτικά. […] (Symposium of Young Researchers. The Greek periodical press of the 19th century. Research issues – Proceedings. Edited by Anna Tabaki & Maria Sehopoulou), Athens, 2015, 196 p.

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  • (in collaboration with Alexia Altouva), Επιστημονικό Συμπόσιο Μετάφραση και περιοδικός τύπος στον 19ο αιώνα. Πρακτικά(Proceedings of Scientific Congress Translation and periodical press in the 19th century (Athens, 13-14 November 2015), Edited by Anna Tabaki & Alexia Altouva, Athens, 2016, 224 p.

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  • (in collaboration with Ourania Polycandrioti), Ελληνικότητα και ετερότητα: Πολιτισμικές διαμεσολαβήσεις και ‘εθνικός χαρακτήρας’ στον 19ο αιώνα. Πρακτικά Συμποσίου. […] (Grecity and Alterity: cultural transfers and ‘national character’ in 19th c. Proceedings), Edited by Anna Tabaki & Ourania Polycandrioti, vol. I, Athens 2016, 480 p., vol. II, Athens 2016, 560 p.

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