Office 911, 9th floor, School of Philosophy
Phone: 210-7277658
E-mail: gpefanis[at]theatre.uoa[dot]gr
Professor of theatre theory and philosophy in the Faculty of Theatre Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece. He also teaches theatre and cinema history at the Open University of Greece (2008-2016) and theatre at the Open University Cyprus (Postgraduate Program, 2012-2013).
He has been editor of “Paravasis”, the Academic Edition of the Faculty of Theatre Studies of University of Athens, Greece (2004-2012), as well as Director, Supervisor and Editor of the Theater Editions “Theatrical Places”, pub. Papazisis, “Drama and Dromena”, pub. Polytropon and “Theatrical Library”, pub. Diavlos.
He also writes articles for the greek journal To Vima and theatre reviews for CNN Greece. He writes and collaborates in international journals and magazines, such as Annuaire Théâtral, (Canada), Bulletin de Liaison Néohellénique, Revue des Études Néohelléniques, Cahiers balkaniques(France), Italohellenica, Culture Teatrali, Itinera(Italy), Journal of Modern Greek Studies, (USA), Estudios Neogriegos. Revista Cientifica de la Sociedad Hispanica de Estudios Neogriegos (Spain) and many more. He served as supervisor, specialty artistic collaborator, dramaturge and official counselor of the artistic team of the National Greek Theater and the Street Theatre International Festival (2009-2013), and has collaborated with some of the biggest theaters in Greece and internationally, such as The Art Theatre of Moscow. He was elected twice to the Administrative Council of the Greek Center for International Theatre and has collaborated numerous times in several different projects with the International Theatre Institute.
He has published eighteen books on theatre and drama, more than one hundred and sixty studies in Greek and foreign journals, as well as many critical reviews and has been invited to showcase his work, and lecture at numerous theater conferences and festivals in Europe.
In 2006, he received the award for Best Theatrical Research from the Union of Music and Theatre Critics for his book, The Kingdom of Eugena, Alexandria Editions, Athens 2005. George Pefanis has also worked as a researcher at the Center of Folklore Research of the Academy of Athens. He is also a member of Société des Études Néohelléniques (SEN) des Néo-Hellénistes des Universités Francophones and of Greek Society of Aesthetics.
Some of his recent books are
Scenes of theory. Open fields in the theory and criticism of theatre, Athens 2007.
The sand of the text. Aesthetic and dramatological issues in Greek theatre, Athens 2008.
The theatre and the symbols. Symbolization procedures of dramatic speech, Athens 2012.
Adventures of representation. Scenes of theory II, Athens 2013.
Specters of theatre. Scenes of theory II, Athens 2013.
Adherents & Philosophers of Theatre. An Outline of Theatre Philosophy, Athens 2016.