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Department of Theatre Studies

Welcome to the website of the Department of Theatre Studies of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Our mission is to educate and train the researchers of tomorrow in the field of theatre, to cultivate the art of theater by offering comprehensive studies. 

Undergraduate program. Duration: four academic years.

Postgraduate program. The Department offers the MA Program "Greek and World Theater. Drama, Performance, Education”. Duration: two academic years.

Students who successfully complete the program are awarded a postgraduate diploma (Master's Degree) in one of the following areas:

a) Drama and Performance

b) Theatre Didactics

c) Theatrical translation and creative writing

PhD students must carry out research and submit a PhD dissertation. Minimum duration of the PhD program: 3 years. Prospective PhD candidates must submit to the Secretariat of the Department an application form and a research proposal that will outline the topic and the research methodology.



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